Wrestling: Entertaining Athletic Spectacle

wrestling as an entertaining sport

Wrestling is a sport which includes two competitors; one of the opponents needs to touch the ground with some part of the body excluding his feet. Usually the supine position (to touch the back) needs to touch the ground or the opponent is held in that position for a minimum time duration.

Wrestling was developed by ancient Greeks in order to train their soldiers in hand to hand combat.

Sports events such as wrestling, earned popularity during the middle ages including the royal houses in France, Japan and England.

Wrestling earned its fame in America when the American settlers brought the wrestling traditions from England along with them. This is when the wrestling hit its fame in native Americans, according sports news.

Types of Wrestling:

1) Belt and Jacket:

In belt and jacket style wrestling clothing of the wrestlers offers a grip on the opponent. In various cases more than two belts are worn by the wrestlers whereas in other cases a special belted jacket along with special trousers are worn.

2) Catch hold:

In catch hold style wrestlers are asked to take a given hold before the game begins. This hold should be kept constant and maintained throughout the struggle.

3) Loose Wrestling:

This style of wrestling is usually taken in practice for modern international competitions. In this wrestling the players are free to use any style of wrestling except for the ones that are forbidden. For instance, grabbing the opponent's clothes or strangle hold.

Wrestling is divided in terms of what is desired to win. Classifications can be evaluated on a rising size of violence. Such as the break position in which it is required constraining the rival to give up a specific position.

Origins of Wrestling

Wrestling is usually acknowledged as one of the oldest form of sports known to human race. For some it was represented as a means of entertainment where as in other part of the world it was used for military or religious purpose. Demonstration of wrestling is found on the ancient rocks of Egypt providing the authentication of this game. Egyptian scholars' state to sports news channel that wrestling was used as a means of military purpose in the Egyptian era. On the other hand, Greeks have always used wrestling as a means of entertainment. Later, this sport was adapted by the Britishers and then passed onto America from England.

Guide to Modern Wrestling:

Today wrestling in the United States is referred to as WWE or Impact Wrestling. WWE, Impact Wrestling and ROH run professional wrestling sports events throughout the world as a means of entertainment or sport. Fights are synchronized with dramatic stories such as arguments between the opponents. This is basically a technique used by these wrestling teams in order to gain interest of people and promotion for their matches.

Where as in Europe a different wrestling style is adapted where there is less use of story lines and more of wrestling. UK achieved major popularity in its wrestling but dropped at a very immense rate as people developed keen interest towards the American wrestling.