Tennis Health Benefits: A Holistic Perspective

tennis and its health benefits

Tennis is a popular sport that is suitable for all ages and skill levels. Two people called singles or four people called doubles can play it. Tennis is played with racquets and a ball. The aim is to hit the ball over the net on to the other side of the court.

Club courts and public courts are available is almost every town. Sports events such as social games, competitions and tournaments are arranged by the tennis clubs for the people to play with and against. If you don’t have a partner to play with you can also practice your skills by hitting the tennis ball against the wall. Playing tennis is very good for health. It helps maintain your health, physical fitness, strength and agility.

According to news, sport such an hour-long game of tennis can burn up to 600 calories for men and 420 calories for women. Along with the physical health benefits, tennis also provides social and mental health benefits. It can be a great workout and lots of fun. A tennis game increases the aerobic capabilities in a person. It lowers the resting heart rate and the blood pressure. It also helps in improving the metabolic function. A game of tennis involves a variety of the play, for example serving the ball, rallies, fast movements and strategic play due to which body fat is reduced, muscle tone is improved and also the strength and flexibility is boosted. The game tennis not only strengthens the immune system but also relaxes the mind.

With the technological advancements people have gone far from each other and they hardly get time to spend time with friends and family. However, now sports such as Tennis can be a great way to meet people and spend time with friends.

This game demands a series of quick runs in a one to two-hour time. This increases your heart rate which pumps the oxygen and nutrients to your muscles more quickly. All of this results in lowering the risks of having blood pressure, heart attacks or diseases regarding the heart.

Numerous sports articles discuss the outnumbered benefits of sports such as Tennis. Playing this game on regular basis, makes you more attentive and improves your concentration along with your memory. As this sport requires a lot of skill and strategy, it keeps your mind engaged while coordinating the body along with it.

Tennis helps you improve mentally. There have been numerous sports events, in which many players have discussed how the game helped them fight depression and anxiety disorders. Tennis improves your self-esteem. Once an individual starts to pursue this sport, it helps them improve their body structure and self-image. The more you improve in this game, the better and stronger you are.

According to recent research by Dr. Jim and news sports such as Tennis has a greater impact on building positive aspects of personality in comparison to golf and skating.

Now sports like Tennis are explored by scientists and physicians to find the positive and negative effects of it. Many mental health care institutions have made sports a part of their daily routine for patients and have found unexpected positive changes in their patient’s health.

Sports is the healthiest activity to participate in. Other sports may provide outstanding affects but sports articles and research say that tennis has the most effect on emotional growth and mental health. No other sport has received such recognition for physical, mental and emotional health.